Sunday, March 1, 2009

Stay aware of those who pretend to be a champion! Quickly recognize the fakes so that you may acknowlege the true Champs of Life

Part 2 of surrounding yourself with champions! So basically in the last blog I spoke about your choice of who you surround yourself with. GSP chose to surround himself with people who FORCED HIM to be better than who he was! They forced him to do the impossible which was to train without cease! BJ surrounded himself with FOOLS who lied to his face about having his best interest in their minds!
Yesterday was supposed to be the best day of my life. After surviving the world of operating a successful business for 3 years in the WORST location possible..We, at PMAC held our very 1st Grand Opening in 4 years! The reason we never held a G. Opening before? Because the old location was never fit for a grand opening. The old location was THAT BAD! Yesterday was a dream of over 8 years come true! From my very beginning teaching Taekwondo at the Lakewood Recreation Center for 4 years, to teaching the 4 years in Rancho Cucamonga! I finally was able to get the PERFECT location to operate a Taekwondo studio which started in January of 2009. So with that history in mind you can tell how nervous I was!
All my life, I was told by my dad I would never amount to anything. The only times he would tell me he loved me was when I would win my Taekwondo Tournaments so that he could brag about how his son was a champion. That would quickly change the moment I lost a fight. That pressure taught me to fight very well. My biggest fear during my competition career was what I would have to hear from him after the fight was over. I lived with that fear most of my life until I became 18 and I decided for myself that I was better than what he labeled me as. At that point I refused to compete in Taekwondo because I was so sick of his opinion of what I should have done! I continued to teach, and at that point I decided to live a normal life. A life without sacrifice, a life without pressure, a life where I could be free to make my own choices.
I quickly realized, that the life I was living lead me no where fast!
Then I met my God given wife Jane! She quickly showed me that not everyone was so cynical in the way they lived. She supported me from day 1 and supported to where I am today and SHE taught me that there are Good people in life, there are Bad people in life, and there are SICK people in life.
Good people are your friends who can listen to your dreams and aspirations! Good people are the people who you are able to vent to about the mistakes you have made in life, but still pick you up! Good people will always see your intentions in a positive way and know that you would never do anything to embarrass or humiliate them. Although we may have fun...true friends try their very best not to compete with eachother...its just silly.

Bad people are the ones, the friends, the fakes who always watch what you do and say to you how they could have done it better! I've had people watch what I do and say you could have done it like this.....and that...... My response is "You have NO idea what it takes to live a week in my life!" To have the pressure of knowing that if I fail in any area of my life, my wife and my daughter will be effected my failure. So, I wake up every day and try my very best at what I do. Is it perfect? Probably not but I am still here, not a failing in business, paying bills, paying rent, and not crying about the economy. Its usually the people who are sucking at life that have comments about your life...THATS A FACT!

SICK PEOPLE ARE THE WORST OF THEM ALL! These are the people who preach to you how they want to help make your dreams come true! They allow themselves to benefit from you in every way possible while helping you at the same time. This person is the worst possible person you could my Master Jae Kwon Kim said.....the worst students are the ones who say to your face thank you and helps you build your business while destroying you by saying negative things about you behind your back. Most of the time they don't even realize that they are doing so.

*Special note to my daughter: Be very careful of who you choose as your friends! Keep a close eye and you will see that some will talk bad about you thinking you aren't listening. Some will even help you build your dreams without realizing that there jokes and negative talk talk is slowly destroying the dream that they are trying to help you build. Recognize quickly who your allies are and treat them like Gold. Recognize those who aren't genuine and quickly remove them from your life. Failing to do so will drive you crazy!

1 comment:

  1. I tried to post this on the blog, but it wouldn't let me, I guess I don't have the right account info. I hope this encourages you:

    Walking in love is not easy, and "tough love" is even harder. In choosing friends many times we have to use tough love, for them and for ourselves. Emotions sometimes cloud the decisions we have to make. I pray for the mind of Christ; even Jesus had to tell Peter, "get behind me satan," and to the woman "I should not give food to the dogs," : tough love and the truth, both people heard it and received what God had for them. The rich young ruler was not so blessed, he walked away sad because of a choice. Every choice we make has a consequence, even if we don't see it immediately; especially our choice in friends or "inner circle" people of our lives. I pray that I continually learn how to be a better friend and that I choose the friends that will push me forward as you noted in this and other blogs. It's not easy, even Jesus chose Judas; but even that choice was for God's glory. So I pray, God's will be done in my life and my kids lives. How do you know when you are doing something right? Trust the God in you, HE will confirm that in you; I don't know that anyone else can do that, although He may use people - TRUST GOD. I don't know how people live without Him!

    Caryn Kratzer
