Friday, April 3, 2009

You only get 1 Shot!

On the way to work today a song came on the radio about you only getting 1 shot at this game we call life. After listening to the song I started to consider the way my life is going at this point in time. Working 6 days a week, battling different problems on a daily basis, taking care of my beautiful daughter, not being able to enjoy weekend getaways, no spring break, but rather a life of work, work, and more work. Am I complaining? ABSOLUTELY NOT! The song hits the nail on the head about us only getting 1 shot at life and I am SO BLESSED that my work involves something I am passionate about. My work causes me to meet WONDERFUL people on a daily basis. My work exposes me to some of the most SUCCESSFUL people in state. Quite frankly, I love what I do.
Was it easy to risk everything we had (which wasnt much) to launch our business? No way. Did I have doubts? You bet! Did I have sleepless nights, go through depression, and have people burn me? Sure! Here's the cool thing about this life. Whenever you are going through a time of darkness....theres always light at the end of the tunnel. Not only is there light at the end of the tunnel, if you surround yourself with the RIGHT people they can be your guiding light through the darkness. Lucky for me I had THE LIGHT guiding me and giving me confidence not only in myself but in the One who was truly leading me.
A couple weeks ago, I had a conversation with a very good friend of mine regarding the passing of "MASK." He was the creator of the multi-million dollar clothing company TAPOUT. As my friend and I were talking we were saying that it was such a shame that he died so early. As we continued the conversation we both concluded that although he passed at such an early age, at least he was able to see his DREAM come to FRUITION. Most people can live their whole lives and not accomplish a fraction of what their dreams may of been. This man started his company selling T-shirts out of his trunk, sleeping in his car, and being chased by police. The new slogan the company is now pushing is simply this.........BELIEVE.
So now I ask myself if I were to go tomorrow, would I have any regrets? Regrets no, probably sad that I didn't get to watch my beautiful daughter grow up, get married and have kids. Regrets....NOPE! BELIEVE......BELIEVE IN YOURSELF....BELIEVE IN YOUR ABILTIES.....CHASE YOUR DREAMS.....EXPERIENCE LIFE TO ITS FULLEST!

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