Friday, March 6, 2009

Talent get you through the door, BUT CHARACTER KEEPS YOU IN!

Today, Performance Martial Arts Center Inc. held its very first Friday class! Today was the first time we held an OFFICIAL class on Friday because our Mon-Thurs. classes are becoming TOO PACKED! The reason why we never held a Friday class at our old location is simply due to the fact that it was unnecessary. Every class held had a good amount of students where my staff and I felt that the Friday class would do more harm than good. As you know, rest is super important and so we decided not to burn ourselves out by working an extra day. Especially knowing the fact that Saturdays are usually filled with Testings, Demo Team, or Competition Training.
That all changed after moving to our NEW, retail location which brings us an average of 15-20 walk-ins per month. This is something we have been waiting for and now.......after 4 years, we have secured the location that will benefit us greatly! In the past four years I can honestly say that I have cycled through so many different and talented employees. I've employed the super talented, most organized, most energetic people. But this blog is dedicated to the employee who was not the most talented, confident, or even energetic! This blog is dedicated to the my employee who has shown TRUE CHARACTER!
Caryn Kratzer first came in to my place of business and used to sit in the back where she would sit with her baby while her 2 daughters trained. She decided one day that she would start training with her kids and today she is a great instructor as well as a person I can trust. Our journey to this point has been not the prettiest one! On several occasions she was almost relieved her of her position as a staff member because I had set certain rules to ensure that PMAC had the perfect environment for peoples lives to change for the better. I wanted an environment different from most families where the words "I cant!" "Its impossible" or even "I'm too tired" were used on a daily basis. The world I want and continue to create is similar to the world made famous by Peter Pan, Never Never Land!
Not to rub it in her face but she REALLY caused some problems with the environment that I was trying to create...but honestly...there was never a time that she did not apologize...and there was never a time that she did not do her best to remedy the situation. Today, 2 years later...she taught another WONDERFUL class and she continues to be on top of her game! I've had employees from the past...and present who were very talented...but they lacked the character I was looking for. Kratzer now has both Talent and Character! And this amazing ability to trust me even when I sound crazy!
I have never come across someone who I can trust as much as her. What makes her SO SPECIAL TO ME?
#1 She prays for my family and studio on a daily basis.
#2 I have a STRICT rule on where complaints need to go. She brings her comments straight to me and does not share them with my students.
#3 We have had one of the rockiest beginnings yet we are still here to understand one another.

Jane, Jordyn, and I love you and your FAMZ KRATZNER!....HEHE KRATZNER!

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