Saturday, March 14, 2009

What does it take to roll with Team Performance!?

Today was one of the BEST days of my life! The stress of relocating from our dungeon dojang to our beautiful dojang is now over, the stress of putting together our Grand Opening is over, the stress of making changes to the staff is over, I received half of February's tuition, and thank God he brought us a TON of new students to try out the program this last month to keep us afloat, and I eagerly await receiving the unpaid tuition from Feb. to give our account a nice little boost!
All in all, I was so happy as I watched our little warriors train for the upcoming tournament at Cal State LA.

I was amazed to see the dedication of my team as they continued to cycle through the different cardio stations without hesitation nor complaints. From running laps, to running cone drills, to sprinting with a parachute tied around their waists....the team really rocked it! The team was broken up into 3 groups and they switched from station to station for the duration of an hour with 2 minutes of rest time between cycle switches. It was also great to see that the coaches were running laps as well as performing the sprints with the team. Upon observing the activities, an overwhelming sense of confidence filled my spirit.

I have successfully put together a team that is willing to bleed together, sweat together, and even cry together. BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS! I learned early on that you must lead by example...if you want to be successful. I still remember as if it were yesterday watching Coach, Han Won Lee perform the drills that he commanded us to perfect. Quite frankly, I used to say "Man how does that old man move like that?" That was when I was 17, and today I am probably getting close to the age he was at when I had the privilege of training with him.

I realize that age is REALLY nothing but a number! Your true age is whatever your set your mind for it to be. When we first started, it was me running with the kids and leading by example....4 years later its everyone involved helping the kids become stronger! There are so many Masters, and Instructors who bark out commands when they themselves are unable to perform. Although I joke about being old and falling apart, I know that I will continue to strive to be in the best shape of my set the example....TO MOTIVATE MY TEAM....until the day it is physically impossible for me to continue to train.

I still use the AMAZING drills that I learned from Coach Lee in Colorado and honestly...his drills are still relevant to this day. Those drills have helped Team Performance bring back National Champs for 2 consecutive years and many years to come! TODAY WAS SUCH A GREAT DAY!

My shoutouts:
#1 Coach Rosales: Actually running the sprints with the kids!
#2 Coach Parra: Working with the team on the shuffles!
#3 Deputy Robles: Running for an hour straight with the 3 different groups!
#4 Coach Lopez: Teaching the kids how to sprint with the parachute!
#5 Coach Kratzer: For the continued support of the athletes to be able to transition from station to station without crying.
#6 Myself..for setting standards of what a TRUE COACH is.
My philosophy...."How in the world would you know what to say to someone if you have no idea of what they are feeling? You must know what it feels like to train, to feel pain, or even feel like you are ready to pass out...if you truly want to be a great coach!"

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