Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What is the difference between Dreamers and Doers?

So here we go! Its back to Cycle 1 testing and the essay question is the question on the title....What is the difference between a Dreamer and a Doer! Here is my essay:

The difference between a Dreamer and a Doer is simply this...The Doer will take their dream and make it a reality by taking steps towards achieving their dream! For instance...there is someone who I know who always says stuff like this....."I have so many ideas...Ive thought of this, that, putting my kids in an agency, blah blah blah!" Ok so you have these ideas....what have you done to make these ideas a reality? Nothing...absolutely nothing! A Dreamer goes on about their day telling everyone how great they are, the perfect child, never did anything wrong in their life, the epitome of perfect child! Dream on....No one is perfect...everyone makes mistakes. Doers, Doers admit that they are not perfect but try their very best to fix their mistakes. Doers will take an Idea and the moment their eyes open they will go out and take action. For instance...a year ago I shared with my staff that I wanted to open a second location. The very next day I submitted emails to 3 surrounding cities. Its called taking action! You can say all you want but if you do not do....your saying is worthless. Example 2: I know people who say I want to get my kids into modeling/acting....again they say they want to get certain things done...Ive even offered to pay for headshots if the lists were brought to me. All I hear is this "Oh no...I had the paperwork in my car!" What good is that? Am I going to go out of my way to get the papers in my hands? Especially after I offer to help? Yea right! Rather than saying "I have the papers in my car!" Why not put them in my hands? So...after listening to dreamers...Jane and I took action! We submitted Jordyns headshots to a talent agency and since then shes been booked 3 times. 2 of the were paid work so Jordy will be receiving her checks! Not even a year old and already getting paid. Every day I hear people say Im going to do this or that. Stop making empty promises to others and especially yourself! Start putting your words into action....only then will you become a winner in life! If not...you can live the rest of your life saying stuff like this:
"If only I was married to the right person, I would be more successful!"
"If only I had more time, I could accomplish more!"
"Its because I have 3 kids I can't....."
"If it werent for this circumstance"
Any time you use the word IF....JUST KNOW YOU ARE A LOSER!
My apologies if I offend anyone...but if you are offended...My job is done! BE MAD AT ME AND CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE!

1 comment:

  1. Your essay is nothing but an opinion without a shred of concrete support. It posits that there is a right and wrong way to live ones life, and that context plays no part in what one can do or achieve. Looks and sounds like more right-wing drivel.
